Beginning Work for Two Test Well Locations is Underway
In addition to the subsurface survey, Air Products has begun preliminary work to install two stratigraphic test wells on Lake Maurepas. The purpose is to further confirm the geology beneath Lake Maurepas as suitable for permanent sequestration of CO₂. 
Air Products received the necessary permits to conduct this test well work in the lake's south location from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Louisiana Office of Coastal Management.
The test wells and associated activities are not expected to increase the noise or adversely affect access for residents or recreational and commercial users of Lake Maurepas.
The proposed activities would be conducted in phases to avoid disruptions to normal lake and adjacent marsh access.
Activities will include deepening two sections of an existing channel that will be used for barge and drill rig access to Lake Maurepas, well pad construction, well installation at two proposed locations and a staging area at Port Manchac.
A staging area will be located at the Port Manchac facility; no modifications will be made to existing facilities.
Minor dredging and propwash preliminary work began September 16 and will end October 27, 2022. The work is being conducted to allow access for a drilling rig and rock barge. The barge will enter Lake Maurepas from Lake Pontchartrain via Pass Manchac. Tugs will be used to move the barge through the navigation channel.
Dredging will only be implemented on Lake Pontchartrain near the entrance to Pass Manchac.
Propwash will be used to improve passage at one location on Lake Maurepas near the entrance to Pass Manchac (west of Akers).
Propwash will also be utilized to prepare the drill pad locations at the south and north test well sites.
Total dredging and propwash is approximately 39,700 cubic yards, placing the coverage under programmatic general permit (PGP#1).
Other channel improvements include stump removal.
The south test well drilling will start in November 2022. The north test well drilling will start in January 2023. These activities will be completed in April 2023.
A 16’ X 7’ platform will be installed to protect the test well locations.
The completed wells may be left in place for potential use as sequestration monitoring wells if testing confirms the geology is suitable for carbon sequestration.
A supplemental plan for plugging, capping, and/or removing the test wells will be provided if the area is deemed unsuitable for carbon sequestration.